Representative Profile

Takashi Kano

Born: August 1971
Leo / Blood type A / Native of Suita City, Osaka

Academic history

After attending private Toho Junior and Senior High School (Kunitachi City), I graduated from the Department of Political Science in the Faculty of Law, Keio University.
In 2006, I completed the master’s degree program (MBA for working professionals) from the Graduate School of Business Administration, Kobe University.
While studying at Kobe University, I was an exchange student at the business Grande école ESCP (Paris Business School, now ESCP-EAP) in France, studying in the International Project Management specialization.
In 2023, I completed the Communication Design postgraduate course at the Graduate School of Social Design.

Teaching experience

I have taught at the undergraduate and graduate schools of national universities and well-known private universities across Japan. The subjects of my lectures include coaching, human resource development, leadership, organizational development, careers, and motivation.

Professional history

After graduating from university in 1995, I joined Nissha Printing Co., Ltd. (today Nissha) as a new graduate.
After gaining experience in a general printing corporate sales position at the Osaka Branch, I worked as secretary to the directors at the head office.
In 1997, I joined Nihon Kagaku Kogyo Co., Ltd. (today Kanomax Japan Inc.), a company that was founded by my grandfather.
In addition to general management divisions and work in Japan, I also worked in management at related companies in China and the United States. I subsequently became executive officer in charge of management areas and director.
I was involved in areas including reorganization of bank dealings, diversification of funding sources, strengthening the disclosure and communication of business information to investors and financial institutions, group reorganization (organizational restructuring), overseas M&A, structural reform, reform of the personnel system, and reform of the organizational culture. I left the company in 2006.
In 2007, I joined Coach A Co., Ltd. After gaining experience in recruiting operations as part of the Recruitment Team, from 2008 I worked in corporate management of services utilizing coaching, project design and management, and service delivery. In addition to sales and project management, as a professional coach, I engaged in many executive coaching and group facilitation services. I also served many times as a training instructor for coaching skills. Through my work, I contributed to corporate growth and development at a wide range of client companies from corporations listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange to long-standing small and medium-sized companies, and venture businesses. I experienced project design, management, and coaching tailored to the circumstances of each individual client company, primarily including creation of organizational cultures rich in human resources, communication of management principles, finding and training the next generation of management personnel, business continuity, and improving business results. Even at a company which had a large number of professional coaches, I was able to maintain my number of top class client assignments. I left the company in 2021 in order to attend graduate school in a new area and further grow myself beyond the bounds of coaching.
For two years beginning from spring 2021, I devoted myself to studying and research at graduate school. While being active as consultant to the president of a company run by an acquaintance, I created business concepts and prepared to start a business. In 2023, I established Passion Quest.

Qualifications and expertise

  • 2006: Master of Business Administration (MBA)
  • 2013: Professional certified coach (PCC) of the International Coaching Federation (ICF)
  • 2022: Passed the Test of Risk Identification Skill by the Association of Risk Management
  • 2022: Hogan Assessments Certification
  • 2023: Master of Communication Design (master’s degree related to PR)
  • 2024: DiSC® Certified Trainer


Actual experience in active locations close to management personnel

Born into a family of small and medium business entrepreneurs, after becoming employed I worked as secretary to top management at a company listed on the First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange. I then moved to the family business and worked as a member of top management assisting the president (my father). During my research for an MBA while working as an officer in the family business, I conducted interview investigations and research regarding the work motivation of business operators.

I experienced success and fulfillment in the family business, as well as the difficulties of running a family-operated business. As a result of several years of deliberations, I decided to change jobs. I then was active for more than a decade as a member of a human resources development support company, working as an executive coach (expert) to business operators and managers.

I then served as advisor to the president at a corporation run by an acquaintance while also studying at graduate school, driven by my deep interest in the kind of communication that a business operator should engage in with external stakeholders. Based on my learning in graduate school, I prepared to start a business and at last in 2023, I launched Passion Quest as its manager.

Childhood with many opportunities to encounter art and traditional culture

The grounds of my family home included a Japanese dry garden and teahouse, and it was visited regularly by a tea ceremony instructor. My grandmother and mother encouraged me to train in the tea ceremony, and the house was decorated with Japanese paintings full of rich seasonal sense painted by my grandmother. During my childhood, I was encouraged to be involved in arts and traditional culture; my mother practiced Japanese dance and the koto, my brother played the violin, and I learned the cello.

Photo: Kano standing in a bamboo grove

Diversity within me, and a highly varied group of friends

As I have experience nearly all styles of working except for temporary employee, I became able to observe matters from a neutral and diversified perspective, without excessively supporting any particular position.
(After graduating from university, I experienced being a general employee, middle manager, employee representative, managing officer of a family business, unemployed, part-timer, an expert businessman, advisor, freelancer, president of a startup, and part-time university lecturer.)
Through my wide range of careers, I have developed a group of diverse friends with a wealth of knowledge in different areas.

Approach to continued learning

Twice at ages 29 and 49 I enrolled in graduate schools for working professionals, and conducted investigation and research activities. I also experienced a year at a business school in France. I embody an approach to continued learning at any age, including business management, PR, French, bookkeeping, risk management certification, coaching, and facilitation.

Photo: Kano smiling in front of the bookshelf

Learning and work experience where adapting to different cultures is an important context

From my childhood, I was blessed with opportunities to interact with management at the company operated by my father, as well as managers at important clients. Once each in high school and university, I experienced short-term study abroad and homestays in the U.S. state of Minnesota. When I was working in management at the family business, I served as an official at group companies in the U.S. state of New York, Liaoning in China, and Singapore, and experienced interacting with people from the United States and China.

Later at a business school in Paris, France, I participated in a contest among groups for producing case studies, working with classmates from 25 countries. Our group was composed of members from France, Mexico, Argentina, and India. The case study we produced won us the Award for Excellence, and was included in case studies produced at the European Institute of Business Administration (INSEAD) in France.

As a coach, I have extensive experience being in charge of coaching branch representatives and resident employees. In addition to providing support for employees stationed in developed countries and the Asia region, I also have experience providing support to employees stationed in harsh environments such as on the South American continent or African continent.